
Kon beter

Kon slechter


Wet van Weiss & Spick?

Kon beter

  • 13-02-2022
  • Sprongnummer 252
  • Harde wind
  • 3e sprong boven Hilversum
  • Oefenen stalls
  • 1e sprong met camera

Logboek: “Bridle langs been? Harde wind, daardoor 121 km/u gevlogen volgens Dekunu van Peter. Eerste keer met camera. Stalls geoefend. Afgeleid door landingsbaan. Ik had bocht veel ruimer kunnen nemen. Nu Bas laten schrikken. Circuit afgesneden, laag gedraaid, wel lekkere landing, hoewel niet zo gepland.”

Kon slechter

  • 09-09-2022
  • Sprongnummer 289
  • 2e sprong boven Texel
  • High pull

Logboek: “Aanvankelijk voldoende grondzicht, bij naderen wolken tussen 2000-1500 ft steeds kleinere gaten, door goede planning vooraf juiste gat uitgekozen en op DZ geland.”

Rond 6:00 na afsprong realiseer ik me, dat ik een uitdaging heb. Vlak erna hoor je me tegen mezelf mompelen. Dat is waarschijnlijk het hardop benoemen van herkenningspunten.

Volledig filmpje (11:40)


Sprongnummer 21

Wet van Weiss & Spick?

Weiss HK. Systems Analysis Problems of Limited War. Annals of Reliability and Maintainability 5, 295-309 (1966),

PDF Weiss

Spick M. The Ace Factor. Naval Institute Press; 1988. Geraadpleegd op 25 januari 2025 van

PDF The Ace Factor Introduction

Wet van Gottman?

Gottman JM, Levenson RW. What predicts change in marital interaction over time? A study of alternative models. Fam Process. 1999;38(2):143-158. doi:10.1111/j.1545-5300.1999.00143.x

“The third model is a ratio model, derived from set-point theory (Gottman, 1993, 1994), which predicts that, to the extent that there is a low ratio of positive to negative affect at Time-1, there will be evidence at Time-2 of the cascade toward divorce. This is a balance theory of marriage, which suggests that since negative affect is endemic to all marital conflict (regardless of marital quality), the marriage will work to the extent that this negative affect is balanced by positive affect. Gottman (1994) reported that, in three different marital types, stable marriages had a 5:1 ratio of positivity to negativity during conflict, whereas in unstable marriages the ratio was .8:1.”

Mark Barry:

“The take home message from all of this is that it is good to be conscious of the need to experience more positive than negative interactions in relationships; however, it would be to miss the point somewhat to keep a mental scoreboard going and tell yourself that if your ratio of positive to negative falls below a certain level that your relationships is failing.”